صور | 83 إصابة في تظاهرات “يهود الفلاشا” بإسرائيل

3 يوليو 2019آخر تحديث :
Members of the Ethiopian community of Israel clash with the police during in the Israeli coastal city of Netanya on July 2, 2019, during a protest against the killing of Solomon Tekah, a young man of Ethiopian origin, who was killed by an off-duty police officer. Angry protesters clashed with Israeli police on July 2 over an off-duty officer's killing of a young man of Ethiopian origin, as the incident drew fresh accusations of racism. Crowds of Ethiopian Israelis battled police and blocked highways on at least 15 junctions across the country, with 47 officers wounded and 60 demonstrators detained, according to a police statement. Solomon Teka, reportedly 18 or 19, was buried on July 2, after he was shot dead in Kiryat Haim, a town near the northern port city of Haifa, late Sunday. / AFP / JACK GUEZ
Members of the Ethiopian community of Israel clash with the police during in the Israeli coastal city of Netanya on July 2, 2019, during a protest against the killing of Solomon Tekah, a young man of Ethiopian origin, who was killed by an off-duty police officer. Angry protesters clashed with Israeli police on July 2 over an off-duty officer's killing of a young man of Ethiopian origin, as the incident drew fresh accusations of racism. Crowds of Ethiopian Israelis battled police and blocked highways on at least 15 junctions across the country, with 47 officers wounded and 60 demonstrators detained, according to a police statement. Solomon Teka, reportedly 18 or 19, was buried on July 2, after he was shot dead in Kiryat Haim, a town near the northern port city of Haifa, late Sunday. / AFP / JACK GUEZ

رام الله-صدى الاعلام

 أصيب 83 إسرائيليًا، الليلة الماضية وفجر اليوم الأربعاء، جرّاء الأحداث العنيفة التي شهدتها شوارع المدن الإسرائيلية بعد مقتل يهودي أثيوبي من “الفلاشا” على يد شرطي بعد شجار بين عدد من الأشخاص.

وبحسب نجمة داوود الحمراء، فإن من بين الجرحى 47 شرطيًا، و26 متظاهرًا، و10 إسرائيليين مارة، مشيرة إلى أن غالبية الإصابات طفيفة، باستثناء 5 صُنفت متوسطة.

وتضررت 6 سيارات إسعاف، و4 دراجات نارية تابعة لنجمة داوود الحمراء جراء تعرضها للرشق بالحجارة من قبل المتظاهرين.

وأعلن ناطق باسم الشرطة الإسرائيلية، عن اعتقال 60 شخصًا شاركوا في تلك التظاهرات العنيفة التي شهدت مهاجمة سيارات ومحال تجارية وإضرام النار فيها ما تسبب بأضرار مادية كبيرة.


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