الاحتلال يداهم مسجدا في بير الباشا جنوب جنين

3 يوليو 2017آخر تحديث :
epa04302107 Israeli military patrols the streets in the West bank city of Hebron early 06 July 2014, during the ongoing search for the alleged kidnappers of three Israeli teenagers, who were found dead near Hebron on 30 June. Police are also investigating whether the death of a slain Palestinian youth was carried out by Israelis in revenge for the abduction and killing of the three Jewish teens. Further clashes erupted between police and protesters in East Jerusalem and in Arab villages in northern Israel, as Palestinians said the slain teenager was burned alive. EPA/ABED AL HASHLAMOUN
epa04302107 Israeli military patrols the streets in the West bank city of Hebron early 06 July 2014, during the ongoing search for the alleged kidnappers of three Israeli teenagers, who were found dead near Hebron on 30 June. Police are also investigating whether the death of a slain Palestinian youth was carried out by Israelis in revenge for the abduction and killing of the three Jewish teens. Further clashes erupted between police and protesters in East Jerusalem and in Arab villages in northern Israel, as Palestinians said the slain teenager was burned alive. EPA/ABED AL HASHLAMOUN

رام اللهصدى الاعلام-3-7-2017-داهمت قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي، الليلة الماضية، مسجدا في قرية بير الباشا، جنوب مدينة جنين، وأجرت تفتيشات دقيقة داخله.

وقالت مصادر محلية، إن عدة آليات عسكرية للاحتلال داهمت القرية، فيما اقتحم الجنود مسجد بلال بن رباح في قرية بير الباشا، وانتشروا داخله، وفتشوه دون إبداء الأسباب.

وأضافت المصادر أن الجنود اعتلوا أيضا سطح المسجد، وانتشروا في محيطه قبل أن ينسحبوا من البلدة، في حين نصبوا حاجزا عسكريا وسط البلدة على شارع جنين -نابلس.

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